Discrimination against unmarried adults has been well documented with respect to such issues as taxes, conditions of employment, and political rhetoric. Less well understood is discrimination affecting medical decisions that may be — literally — a matter of life or death. Since the 1980s, dozens of studies[1] in peer-reviewed medical journals have demonstrated that […]
The body – especially the closely scrutinized female body – marks the individual as more orless (in)appropriate for the society it exists in. Fatness is commonly seen as being excludedfrom and incompatible with norms of femininity (Taylor 2021) and it is thus especiallystigmatizing for women. Similarly, especially for women, it can be stigmatizing to be […]
Varpu Alasuutari & Anna Heinonen ”Being part of a couple is widely seen and felt to be an achievement, a stabilizing status characteristic of adulthood”, Sasha Roseneil and colleagues write in their insightful book The Tenacity of the Couple Norm: Intimate Citizenship Regimes in a Changing Europe (2020), arguing that anything else but coupledom sets people in […]
Marjo Kolehmainen, Annukka Lahti Marraskuussa Suomessakin vietettii sinkkujen päivää. Vaikka kaupallisuudesta helppo kritisoida markkinakikaksi, on taustalla huomio sinkuista potentiaaisesti merkittävänä asiakasryhmänä. Sinkkujen määrä on lisääntynyt kaikissa länsimaissa merkittävästi 1960-luvulta lähtien etenkin avioerojen yleistymisen myötä. Erityisen paljon sinkkuja on Pohjoismaissa, myös Suomessa. Tätä selittää yksilökeskeinen kulttuuri, hyvinvointivaltioiden tuoma taloudellinen turva, avioerot hyväksyvä luterilainen uskonto sekä naisten […]
Kate Gilchrist, London School of Economics During the first few months of 2020, when the world was in the first grip of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the UK’s top-trending shows on TV streaming service Netflix was Love is Blind. While many US and UK reality TV dating shows have followed a similar format , […]